Dear Member,
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued new proposed rules on September 20th that will result in costly restrictions in the construction of new coal and natural gas fueled electric power plants. These are the rules regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that you may have read about in the newspapers recently. Apparently the President has changed his “all of the above” energy policy to an “all-but-one” approach that will effectively prevent construction of new coal-based generation.
The Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas support using a diverse fuel mix that includes renewables, natural gas, nuclear and coal to generate electricity while keeping costs affordable. At Mississippi County Electric Cooperative Inc. we support energy efficiency programs to help our member- consumers use electricity wisely and save money. We integrate wind, hydroelectric and landfill gas into our portfolio serving Arkansans.
We need your support now!! Help us keep your energy costs low. Please join our effort by clicking on to learn more. Tell the EPA to reconsider its “all-but-one” approach and to work with the electric cooperatives to find a common sense solution that balances energy needs and environmental concerns. We are all members of Mississippi County Electric Cooperative Inc. and working together we can make our voices heard.
Brad Harrison
Mississippi County Electric Cooperative Inc.