June 8, 2015
Keeley Wheeler Retires, After 40 Years of Service,
from Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
The Board of Directors and employees of Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, Inc., along with rest
of the cooperative family across the state, would like to congratulate Keeley Wheeler on his recent
retirement from MCEC. Mr. Wheeler has been a revered employee at MCEC for the last 40 years.
“We have enjoyed working with Keeley over the past 40 years, and consider him not only a valuable
asset to our organization, but a great role model in our community. While he will be missed by all of us in
the cooperative community, he certainly deserves the opportunity to retire. His hard work and diligence
has greatly benefited MCEC, and our hope is that the remaining employees here will strive to follow in his
footsteps,” stated Brad Harrison, MCEC’s president/CEO.
Prior to joining the cooperative in 1975, Mr. Wheeler served three years in the U.S. Army during the
Vietnam War. Since joining the cooperative, he has performed every position in the operation department,
before achieving the top position of Operation Supervisor. He has held that title since 2005.
We wish Keeley the best in his future endeavors. Retirement will offer him many new opportunities,
which we know he will embrace whole-heartedly, just as he did at MCEC.
We wish you well!
Attached below, please find the full article from July's Arkansas Living magazine.
We apologize for the publishing delay, technical issues have since been corrected.